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  Fishing Reports

Mick Gomersall

What Not To Do - Submitted 20/08/2004 by Micky_Gee
Going back a few years, when I still had an old DT 85 Suzi at the Stern, I kept my Nessy in an old Barn out on the back roads of Moonta.

I did the usual, rang before hand, touch base with Nev and his missus to let them know I was heading up to get the hull wet and to ask if he could put the Battery on a trickle over night. Not a problem he replied.

I also let him know that I was planning to spend the night out near Cape Elizabeth in hope of getting some George�s for the Rugrat and Missus.

I finally arrived about 16:00 and was greeted at the Gate by Nev and his Sister in law Cheryl. Now you need to realise that Nev is getting on a bit and I was still (by his standards) wet behind the Ears.

Nev had his usual devilish grin, so I knew it was going to be an eventful weekend (Little did I know just how eventful). Nev jumped forward to offer his hand and said, �Don�t go out tonight Mick we are all going to Bingo�.

Well what do you say to a fella who has the true Aussie spirit and Comradeship to let a young Pup leave his Boat in his Barn for next to nicks?

I had no choice but say OK but added �I'll get the Bourbon so we can have a few Games of pool after�. I �m getting a bit of track now so I�ll end it with � I actually had a good time �from what I can remember�.

Come the next morning I woke up with the usual DDT�s and Cheryl was up making Coffee and some sanger�s for the Trip. �Want a cup � she asked, I replied �you better make it Water, Cheryl� as I slumped in to the kitchen chair.

�What�s the chances of taking my new Boyfriend out with you Mick� I replied � Sure can he Swim?�

I�m always thinking ahead, the Suzi is getting on a bit about 18 yr.�s old now. Anyhow after a short introduction to Jack we pushed the Nessy off the trailer and headed South to a place know locally as Cooper�s. (This could possibly be the Rose Garden but don�t Quote me).

Got a couple of George�s, but they went off the Bite as quick as the came on. So from here we decided to pull Anchor and Drift for a while till we located them again.

We ended up about a half a mile from the Cape before they started again. There was another Boat not far from us, about a hundred meters or so, they were getting in amongst the action also.

Come 17:00 I said, �It�s was time to call it Quits Jack, want to pull the Pick buddy�. Now Jack is around the same age as Nev, but a bit Quieter, no way near as fit.

He shuffled through� the Cab, out the Hatch, as I was trying to kick the Suzi into action. He turned around to see a stunned look on my Face. �What�s up young fella? � he asked. I�m not sure � I replied.

After a while and a bit of problem solving it was realised that the Kill switch was the Fault.

I tried a Split shot in between the boot and the switch, which work for a while, but as soon as she was dropped into gear, the vibration must have shock the boot loose and it died again.

�We are buggered aren�t we Mick� Jack said. �We could wait for the Tide to swing and Drift back to within paddling distance, � I said trying to keep the spirits high.

Jack reckoned he swam the beach at Pt. Hughs every morning and said that it wasn�t far, he could make it easy. Somehow I didn�t think Nev would have been impressed. Tying a rope to his Sister in law�s, new Pensioner, boyfriend�s waist, to toe my boat back.

I looked back to where the other boat was, and said, �we could try to get a Toe back, and all we need to do is get their attention�.

We eventually did, and they obliged. Well I looked at Jack, as they did the honourable thing, I couldn�t help my self. �Well these guy�s are toeing us around trolling speed Jack� I said as I started to look for a Nilsmaster lure to lob out. �These are productive Snook ground�s�, I stated.

I don�t think Jack was impressed, he never said anything clear enough for me to understand, but it sounded like " little mongrel� but I�m not sure.

By the time when finally got back to the Ramp, I managed a couple of Snook, which I offered the Skipper for the help given. At this time Jack stormed up the Ramp to the Car, I still remember seeing the Steam coming out of his Ears.

He must have been embarrassed, being so close to home. The fella who came to our rescue was pushing a 5-meter. Haines Hunter with a nice Yamaha at the Stern. I think the Hero who saved the day, realised what I was doing because when I finished de rigging the Bow Rope, he took off with a huge Rooster Tail, which soaked me to the bone.

Once I finished struggling winching the Boat back on to her Trailer, (on my own I might add). I headed back to Nev's Block. Jack at this stage didn�t seem to want to speak to me at all. �I can�t for the life of me figure out why�.

Every time I said something to him he just glared, muttered something again with what sounded like a swear word this time, and then looked away.

When we arrived at Nev�s block Jack stormed off to Cheryl ranting something and pointing back at me. Well if Jack had a bait knife in his hand instead of just pointing at me with his finger, I would have been history.

Nev�s is an old Cocky from way back (You know the type, if you haven�t go what you need, Diversify) with Nev�s ingenuity skills of the Cocky�s and my Problem Solving Skills, we came up with an idea on how to fix this Dead Man switch.

It went like this. Nev said all I had to do was be brave, walk past Jack and ask Cheryl if I could use one of her Bobby Pins, Needless to say Jack protested, in a similar fashion as before.

I manage to get one of her pin�s and we forced it in, on the underside if the Rubber Boot, worked great, until the steel part of the pin corroded and broke the ball of the top.

But that is another story.

Now if you know me personally, I would never think of asking a Pensioner, if I could tie a rope around their waist, and get them to swim back to shore with my Nessy hitched the other end, but my Boss on the other hand, he�s the real mongrel in the story, he�s always trying to catch me trying to sneak out early when the wind is down.

I wouldn�t have a problem tying one to him.

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