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  Classified Ads

The FSA Classifieds is available to all FSA viewers who wish to post classified advertisements of fishing or marine equipment for sale, purchase or barter.

All Classified Ads that are submitted will be scrutinised for content, edited where appropriate, and posted to this page within 24 hours of submission.

Please email fishSA, should you wish to include photos in your Ad.

Should your item be sold, please email fishSA to let us know, so as to remove the Ad from this page.

Select a Classified Ads Area to Peruse :
 Note: FSA Classifieds are not intended for commercial use.

Classified Ad Submission

 = Required Fields

Select Classified Ad Category : 
   For Sale 
Select Item Category : 
Enter Your Contact Details : 
Your Name :    
Email Address :    
  Due to SPAM Issues, your Email Address will NOT be advertised in your Ad,
but is required should further correspondance be necessary.  
Voice Phone :  
(include area code)  
   B/H  A/H
Mobile Phone :      B/H  A/H

Enter Your Classified Ad below :  
(include item, description, model, condition, price etc)

 Fishing Tip :
Why not  contact about your Fishing Tip

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Comments to: Copyright © 1996-2012 Disclaimer Page last modified: 23rd of August 2003.