Important News
The relationship that has shared with John Winslet, Manager of Glenelg Fishing Charters, has been such, that John Winslet has offered many South Australians and Interstate Visitors, a service of quality and expertise in the Recreational Arena of Fishing and Boating.
This relationship has also been fostered and grown with John Winslet, a man of integrity, a passion for recreational angling, unique knowledge of the waters in and around Adelaide, the Gulf and Peninsulas, and with enormous business sense, has provided a quality service to All South Australians.
However, in light of Glenelg Fishing Charters now being Under New Management, is unfortunately not able to endorse, highlight as a sponsor, or promote Glenelg Fishing Charters, and as a consequence, has removed Glenelg Fishing Charters from its sponsorship list.
The arrangement of sponsorship at was specifically an arrangement with John Winslet, who promoted Glenelg Fishing Charters on the owner's behalf as a personal business inititaive.
Given previous references to Glenelg Fishing Charters on this web site, whether it be web pages or within the Forum, also wishes to stress that with the present circumstances, it is not able to endorse, promote or highlight as a sponsor, Glenelg Fishing Charters in a higher profile of viewing exposure.
Nor is able to place any value of accuracy on published and posted information as being current and standing within those web pages or the Forum, as has now, no formal standing or dialogue with Glenelg Fishing Charters. wishes to profoundly thank John Winslet, for the support and dedication he has given towards this web site, and wishes John the best in his future business endeavors.
Given John's expertise in Recreational Angling & Boating, he has agreed to still remain within the Forum as a valued Moderator, under the handle of "John Winslet" and will be available as always to offer valuable expertise to Forum Members about angling and boating.
John however has stated his intention of offering his services and expertise as Skipper and/or Manager of any Recreational Fishing Venture that may be on hand.
John can be reached on [email protected].
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